We did our normal routine but Sawyer was pretty nervous. I have to give Tom credit though; I was about ready to give up and just put him in his crib but it was Tom who comforted him and laid him down.
Tom and I were so proud of Sawyer for staying in his bed the entire night!!! We sneaked into his room in the morning to see how he was sleeping and then left his door open. I then made waffles for breakfast so that we could all enjoy a celebration breakfast together. While Tom and I were eating Sawyer woke up, got out of his bed and came running down the hallway with the biggest smile on his face; it's a moment we will treasure forever!
Then for Friday we took on adventure of laying him down for his nap since bedtime went so well. Nap time did not go so well. He got out of his crib (we watched him on the video monitor) and I went back into his room two more times to relay him in his bed. After that though we just left him be thinking he would just fall asleep on the floor. We thought wrong - he ended up playing in his room for two hours which is impressive considering there are no toys in his room. The picture is of Tom trying to see him under the door.
After his two hour "quiet time" we discovered what he was doing during that time. He had both arms out of his sleeves and up through his neck-hole. And then we will let the rest of the pictures speak for themselves; basically whatever he could get his little paws on - he did. When we walked into the room he was kneeling on the floor with both arms in his garbage can (the insert was taken out of his room as you can see from the above picture so it was just the outside of the can) so of course not only did we clean up the room but we had to clean Sawyer up as well.
Then came Friday night. I was gone to a girls night out to watch a chick flick with a bunch of ladies from my church. Let's just say it didn't go the greatest but I am super proud of Tom for not giving up! Sawyer did end up sleeping in his bed after Tom added to his bed.
On Saturday we did not try nap time in his bed only because I was away at a MOPS Leadership Summit and Tom went visiting (Sawyer got to see his Grandma Annie, Great-Grandma Fakes, Great-Grandma Deich, and some old friends of his daddy's) so he napped for about 45 minutes in the car.
Saturday night bedtime went really well. Tom and I decided to spend more time during the bed time routine in his room which meant reading more stories. He laid right down and never tried getting out! Tom and I enjoyed our evening with popcorn, root-beer floats and watching the Bill Cosby show.
Today (Sunday) nap time was still a struggle. I laid him down and walked out of the room. As I watched on the monitor he figured out how to remove the boards and then get out of his bed. So back in I went. I picked up him and calmed him down by singing to him and he started to fall asleep in my arms. I proceeded to lay him down and he woke up so I picked him back up and sang a couple of more songs. Once again he woke up after I laid him down. Then I crawled into bed with him (yeah I am sure that was a sight to see - a big preggo mamma climbing over the railing with a 21 month old in her arms). He fell asleep and I tried to sneak out of his bed but he woke up, but I kept walking out the door and closing it behind me. He got out bed and never went to sleep. He did still have his "quiet time" though. When I went into get him he had taken off his pants (first time ever - is this a sign of getting close to potty training?!!!) and was laying on his back with one leg in his garbage can up in the air. He saw me and said "Hello" with a smile on his face; it was pretty cute. Then it was off to cleaning up Sawyer again.
Tonight I proceeded with the same method as Saturday night. He has now been sleeping for the past 30 minutes!!!!
Tomorrow for nap time I am going to hang blanket over his curtains to make it really dark in his room and see if that will help.
YOU ROCK! Keep up the good fight.