In this project Sawyer had to match the corresponding animal with its shadow. After he did all that I then would hand him a slip of paper with the animals name on it and then he would have to match it with the animal. The only two that he was confused on was the chick and the duck; they did kind of look alike so I still think he did a great job!
Tractor Tracks!!! I wish I had my camera ready for his initial facial expression when he realized what we were going to do. I put the paint on the plate, put down the paper and then handed him the tractor. He was a little hesitant if he really could put his tractor in the paint so I put the tractor in the paint first and then he just went crazy!!! We ended up making two sheets; one for daddy's birthday card and the other for Mie Mie and Papa.
Here there were 5 chicken coops each with a number on it. He then had to put that many chickens in the coop that the number represented. He is not too familiar with identifing numbers yet so I would tell him which number it was and then he was able to count out the chickens.
The activity he kept asking to do over and over and over again. There were 10 barns (numbered 1 through 10), a pile of mini marshmallows in the grain silo, a tractor and a wagon. He had to load up his wagon from the grain silo and then put the corresponding number of marshmallows in the barn. I think his favorite part was eating the marshmallows at the end which is why he kept asking to do this project again.
We had one activity where he was to cut along a line that was drawn out on the piece of paper. He was having a hard time opening the scissors with one hand therefor making him open it with two but then he could not hold onto the piece of paper. I tried helping but he did get discouraged and frustrated. I then found a pair of scissors that automatically opens after he closes it! I had to convince him to try cutting one more time. He did much better so now to rebuild his confidence I am just having him cut little pieces of paper. Remember these pieces because you will see them again in our Leaf Unit!
Our Farm Unit Project Board! As much as this may look there was so much material we did not even get to use. I think we just may need to do another Farm Unit in the future!
Focus Books:
"Funny Farm" by Tom Arma
"Moo, Moo, Peekaboo!" by Jane Dyer
"A Very Funny Farm" by Smart Kidz Media
"One Weighs A Ton" by Salina Yoon
"A Year at a Farm" by Nicholas Harris
"Barnyard Banter" by Denise Fleming
"Wake Up, Big Barn!" by Suzanne Tanner Chitwood
"Funny Farm" by Mark Teague
"Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm" by Joy Cowley
2 Teaching Mommies
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