Monday, November 29, 2010


This past Saturday Tom/Daddy, Grandma Annie and Uncle Ben cut down the six trees that were in our front yard. It only took about 3-4 hours; they sure did work hard!

Sawyer watched them work looking out Mason's bedroom window. Even though it was really cold he still opened the window and watched.

Mason fell asleep in his crib even though his window was open, chainsaw running and trees falling!

Grandma Annie was in charge of the chainsaw while daddy and Uncle Ben loaded up all the wood. Granmda Annie kept all the burnable wood for the winter.


The brush filled up this trailer and the back of our pick-up truck.

This is what our front yard now looks like!


  1. I think I missed this conversation sometime.... why did you cut them down?

  2. The trees were really ugly and messy. After the fact we are very glad we did because there were a lot of bug holes and in some parts the tree was starting to rot.
