Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sawyer's 1st birthday party and dedication!

Sawyer balancing on the back of the bench...YIKES!

Sawyer getting dedicated!

Sawyer's cake table! The basketball is Sawyer's cake, the football/field for the guest and daddy really wanted the baseball cupcakes.

Sawyer opening up presents.

Mommy...this cake sure was yummy!


  1. How cute!!! That is a fantastic 1st birthday cake picture- most kids won't touch theirs! Go Sawyer! By the way who did they cakes? They look amazing!

  2. FYI- I left you something on my blog! Love you!

  3. How did he get so messy? :)

  4. oh my goodness tami that is SO funny!!!! i LOVE the messy cake face :)

  5. Found you through Jenna’s blog and just wanted to stop by and say hello! I may have stopped by before so if I have… sorry! I cracked up at that last picture!! That is hysterical! He must love cake!!! :)

  6. Great Pictures!! What a cutie pie, oh I mean cutie "cake", that has to win a contest for Birthday photos. I also like the photo of him reading his books.
    Love ya,
