This is becoming your favorite place to be. Now that you are getting bigger you are not spending as much time in your crib. (We had you there because it was the safest place for you. Your brother loves you so much that he has a hard time figuring out what a gentle hug is.) You love sitting here because you can watch Sawyer. When you are in your chair Sawyer is able to bounce your chair, give you hugs, share his sippy cup with you, give you your pacifier and cover you up with a blanket. You absolutely love when Sawyer gives you attention; you just sit, watch and smile!
Yesterday (September 29th) you rolled over for the first time!!! I was at work, your daddy was at a doctor's appointment and Mie Mie was watching you. Mie Mie said that when you rolled over you just smiled! Then when your brother woke up you showed him how you could roll over as well; Sawyer just laughed. (Thank you Mie Mie for capturing this incredible moment for us on camera.)
Mason you have been such a huge blessing to this family. You have brought another whole dynamic into this home that only you were able to bring. You are the most content baby ever! You only cry when you are hungry. You can fall asleep on your own. You entertain yourself by just looking around or sucking on your thumb. You smile at everything and are love to be tickled under your chin. You are also becoming a little talker. Daddy and I LOVE laying on our bed with you and listen to all of your stories. Thank you Mason for being you!!!
We love you so much!
Daddy, Mommy and Sawyer
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