Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Battle of Snuggles?

The battle continues.
Last night I laid Sawyer down at 9:40pm and he woke up at 3:00am. I changed the diaper (yes he is still screaming) and then I rocked him. To my surprise he only screamed for about 1 minute! I couldn't believe it; he just snuggled right up to me and fell back to sleep. So at 3:15am I laid him in his crib and went back to bed.

Well, that didn't work because he woke up immediately and began screaming again. Back in the room I went and again he only screamed for about 1 minute, snuggled up to me and fell asleep. At 3:30am I laid him back down and went to bed.

Then 3:36am rolls around and he is screaming again. This time I just let him scream in his crib for 20 minutes (don't judge me, it was so hard for me to listen to him scream). I then woke Tom up and sent him in to give him his pacifier to see if he could settle him down. Tom picked him up and he settled right down so then Tom laid him down.

Once again (it is now 4:00am) he begins to scream. So I went in there and thought to myself, "he never ate his cereal and veggies for supper even though I tried feeding it to him five times I guess he is hungry". So I gave in and fed him and he was sleeping by 4:15am.

I still think I won this battle though because by the time I did feed him it was 6 1/2 hours after his last feeding and that was after his tummy not being that full when he went to bed. I think I won also because I did not give into to him right away (I know just let me think what I want). ;)

1 comment:

  1. Keep going there mama! You are doing great! No, not everyone will agree with you, but many will! With Heidi I didn't always pick her up out of the crib I just laid my hand on her tummy and rubbed to calm her...but when I could feel her tummy rumbling, I knew better!
    ...and you are right, it's very tough to listen to them scream! But you are making a good soother, sleeper, and eater out of Sawyer :)
    Tanya S
