Saturday, September 22, 2012

L is for Leaf

L is for Leaf and I will live and grow in Jesus! We learned about a leaf gets its food; water, air and sun. Just like the leaf needs the tree to grow we also need to "live on" Jesus to grow! We went outside and collected different shapes, sizes and colors of leaves from our yard. When we brought them back in we talked about how each one was different from the other ones. Then we put the leaf on the counter with a piece of paper over it and took a crayon and rubbed it on the paper to make a sketching of the leaf!
Mason did a great job at cutting up paper into little pieces!
We then had a lot of fun making colorful leaves! We took a white paper and cut into a leaf shape, tapped it into a tray, put different colors of paint down and then rolled marbles around! We have beautiful leaves on our walls now!
Focus Books: "A Tree is Nice" by Janice Hay Udry "Caps for Sale" by Esphyr Slobodkina (This was Sawyer's favorite) "I am a Leaf" by Jean Marzollo Resource: My Father's World 2 Teaching Mommies

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