We would like to introduce to you D4 (Deich Party of 4)!!!!
Now for the explanation. This has been a decision in the making since the end of March. At the end of every summer I think to myself "where did the summer go?". We are so good at filling our time with busy things just to keep us active but then all said and done we don't have much to show for it. I recently heard a teaching how our days are actually suppose to start in the evening; the part of the day where we rest first and then go to work (morning/day). This is found in Genesis 1:19 "And there was evening, and there was morning the fourth day."
I absolutely loved this concept of putting your rest and your family time first instead of the other way around that most Americans do. Let's be honest most of us put our work, busy things and ourselves before God and our family. I wanted to definitely change this for our family. Now this may seem like a contradiction but evening time for family time is nearly impossible for us because Tom does not get home from work until 10:00-10:30pm.
I started brainstorming ideas of how we could make sure we put our family first; to make sure our kids grow up knowing that we put them first and we value our time with them. I then looked at the calendar and realized that there was only one Saturday left with nothing in the box. How said is that? Already summer has begun with the busy things and no real family time.
I then brought the idea up to Tom of blocking off one Saturday a month for a family day - he LOVED it! The decision was made but I still didn't block off the day. Then the other day we found out that Tom (once again) has to work six days next week leaving his only day off Saturday. I finally said to him that we were starving for daddy attention so on the calendar it went...D4!!!
Please don't be offended if you ask us to do something with you and we say that it's D4 day. We just want to make sure that we set away that special time for our family to make memories and bond together!
This is great! I love that your family is doing a D4 day. We have Friday Family Night.