Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mason's 2nd Birthday!

Dear Mason, Happy 2nd Birthday!!! We are so blessed to have you as part of our family. Your personality is one that brings balance to this family. You don't say much but you say a lot with your expressions! We already know that you will be the class clown because you are able to make everyone around you laugh. You are also one that lives life at your own pace. We are pretty sure your first sentence will be "Come on Mason", "This way Mason" or "Let's Go Mason" because that is what you hear from us quite a bit. You always seem to be doing your own thing and discovering things on your own time. We love it! You gently remind us that there is always time to stop when we are running late to watch the ant cross the sidewalk, take notice of the fly on the window or take the longer way to make sure we walk in the puddle. We love you dearly Mason and thank you for teaching us so much in just two years. Love ~ Mom
We started your birthday celebration a couple of days early (May 26th) so that you could open your present over the weekend since Daddy had to work on your birthday.
We got you a Strider bike! It's a bike with no pedals so that you learn how to balance first before peddaling. You are always trying to get on Sawyer's bike so we knew you would love it!
You jumped right on and took off!
The morning you woke up and turned "2" you were not happy that I wanted to take your picture before I got your cup of milk.
Once your got your milk and greek yogurt with berries you were much more happy and willing to let me take your picture!
Apparently turning 2 is very hard work!
We went to Daddy's work to eat your birthday cake with him. All of Daddy's friends at work even sang "Happy Birthday" to you!
Now it's time to dish up and dig in unless of course you are the birthday boy then you can .....
eat your seconds right out of the box!!! Your words at 2 years: 1) Mom 2) Down 3) Cup 4) More 5) No 6) Papa 7) MieMie 8) Ride 9) Cookie 10) I'm Done 11) Carter 12) Gone 13) Poop 14) Pee 15) Tractor 16) Baby 17) Shhh 18) Shoe 19) Sock 20) Ball 21) Yup 22) Uh-Ah 23) Why 24) Outside 25) Bye 26) Dog 27) Out 28) Cheese 29) Duck 30) Cow 31) Up 32) Hi 33) Lock 34) Apple 35) Chip 36) Cop 37) Hot 38) Hotdog 39) Popcorn 40) Stuck 41) Truck 42) Moo 42) Daddy 43) Juice 44) Tree 45) Woof Woof 46) Bike 47) Ouch 48) Train

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