Thursday, May 27, 2010

God shocked the Doctor and nurses today!

I had my ultrasound today and the placenta has completely moved (which means I no longer need a c-section). This is extremely uncommon for how far along I am and that I had the complete placenta previa. I asked why I still had bleeding and the doctor wasn't sure; she said it could be due to the placenta moving. Since I had bleeding this morning they are still keeping me here in the hospital until Saturday. If I have more bleeding then they are going to induce me on Saturday (she wants to try and get me to 38 weeks; right now I am 37 weeks and 5 days). If I do not have any bleeding then I could wait until next week to be induced.


  1. God is so absolutely amazing and so are you!!!!! Love you and can't wait to see your little *girls* face :)

  2. God is good!! I am so excited and once again amazed by how good God is!
